The job’s
not done…
Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world: at least two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70, and over 2000 people die from the disease each year.
The job’s not done
We’ve teamed up with our long-time collaborators, Cancer Council, to drive a new message targetting MPs and policy-makers in an attempt to secure mass funding over the next three years to produce a new national sun protection campaign.
The line ‘The job’s not done, until we’re all safe in the sun’ references the lack of government funding over the past decade and a half, despite melanoma case numbers rising each year, as well as highlighting our community’s responsibility to protect themselves.
Working with a limited budget
Working with a limited budget we produced a series of ‘track stopping imagery that showcases
a variety of Australian’s who’ve left their sun protection efforts half-finished.
A striking contrast between the measures necessary to protect ourselves from harmful UV rays
and the reality of how people hit the beaches and parks across the nation.

Made with love @SomeOne
with Tom Dabner